About Us
Premature or preterm birth (before 37 weeks of pregnancy) affects approximately 8% of births in Canada impacting children and families.
The goal of the P3 cohort study is to:
+ Predict which women will deliver preterm;
+ Provide opportunities to prevent preterm birth;
+ Improve health outcomes for children who
are born preterm and their families; and
+ Help families cope following the birth of a preterm child
Meet Our Team
We are a multidisciplinary team of scientists and physicians at the University of Calgary and other universities with expertise in clinical research, biomedical science, prediction and mechanisms of preterm labor, bioinformatics and management of big data sets, management of high-risk pregnancies and preterm infants, brain imaging, child neurodevelopment, and longitudinal cohorts, representing expertise across disciplines including neonatology, nursing, obstetrics, psychology, child development, medical imaging, and epidemiology.

You can help us!
We are looking for pregnant women who are less than 32 weeks pregnant and are able to complete written questionnaires in English to participate in this study.
You are eligible if:
+ You are less than 32 weeks pregnant;
+ You are not expecting twins or multiple babies;
+ You are 16 years of age or older;
+ You live in the Calgary Zone of Alberta Health Services;
+ You are able to complete written questionnaires in English.
What does the P3 Cohort study involve?
+ Questionnaires that ask about your emotional and physical health, sleep, exercise and your relationships.
+ One at enrollment (which will take around 20 – 30 min to complete);
+ One additional questionnaire during your pregnancy; and
+ Three questionnaires after your baby is born until your baby is one year old.
+ If you enroll in the study before 28 weeks of pregnancy, you will be invited to provide a blood sample and a urine
sample during your routine gestational diabetes screening. The blood sample will not require an additional needle.
+ Cord blood may be collected at your delivery.
+ You will be invited to participate in other optional substudies.
+ If you have a partner, they will have an opportunity to participate in the P3 Cohort by completing 2 questionnaires (one at the time of enrollment and one after your baby is born).