Recent publications by our team members

June 8, 2022

Check out the recent publications by our team members related to preterm birth: 

Cairncross ZF, Couloigner I, Ryan MC, McMorris C, Muehlenbachs L, Nikolaou N, Wong RC, Hawkins SM, Bertazzon S, Cabaj J, Metcalfe A. 2002. Association Between Residential Proximity to Hydraulic Fracturing Sites and Adverse Birth Outcomes. JAMA Pediatr. 2022 Apr 4.

Gurram Venkata SKR, Srivastava A, Murthy P, Scott JN, Zein H, Leijser L, Ghosh A, Momin S, Thomas S, Mohammad K. 2022. Hemodynamic Quality Improvement Bundle to Reduce the Use of Inotropes in Extreme Preterm Neonates. Paediatr Drugs 24(3):259-267.

Hornaday KK, Wood EM, Slater DM. 2022. Is there a maternal blood biomarker that can predict spontaneous preterm birth prior to labour onset? A systematic review. PLoS One. 2022 Apr 4;17(4):e0265853.

Koch AK, Burger RJ, Schuit E, Fernando Mateus J, Goya M, Carreras E, Bianocolin S, Barzilay E, Soliman N, Cooper S, Metcalfe A, Lodha A, Fichera A, Stagnati V, Kawamura H, Rustico M, Munim S, Russo F, Nassar A, Rode L, Lim A, Liem S, Grantz K, Hack K, Tang S, Combs A, Serra V, Perales A, Khalil A, Barrett J, Ganzevoort W, Gordign SJ, Morris RK, Mol BW, Li W. 2022. Timing of delivery for twins affected by growth discordance and growth restriction: an individual participant data meta-analysis. In press Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Lithgow K, Buchholz V, D’Aubeterre A, Ku E, Konschuh S, and Sycuro LK. 2022. Protease activities of vaginal Porphyromonas species disrupt coagulation and extracellular matrix in the cervicovaginal niche. npj Biofilms & Microbiomes, 2022; 8(1):8.

Mohammad K, Momin S, Murthy P, Zein H, Scott JN, Mehrem AA, Ghosh A, Javadyan A, Awad EA, Venkata SKRG, Paul R, Rombough B, Bolderheij L, Dossani S, Montpetit J, Eshemokhai P, Fiedrich E, Thomas S. 2022. Impact of quality improvement outreach education on the incidence of acute brain injury in transported neonates born premature. J Perinatol. 2022 May 4.

Raffe-Devine J, Somerset DA, Metcalfe A, Cairncross ZF. 2022. Maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes of elective fetal reduction among multiple gestation pregnancies: a systematic review. JOGC 44(1): P60-P70.E12.